This post is adapted from a friend of mine, his blog.
On Gradual Change
The principle idea, crucial to the success of a stateless anarchy, is the trust that there is an
inherent human tendency towards good. To believe in anarchy, you must believe with all you
heart that an untainted human being is a kind, loving, caring human being, and one who is willing
to help better his or her own society. Those who reject our ideals are those who have lost their
faith in humanity; thereby they have lost that fire in the soul that is life.
I do not claim to believe that there are not evil, dishonest people in the world today. I
encounter people every day that are plagued with ignorance, plagued with selfish greed. But
these people did not come into this world so corrupted. They are products of their surroundings
and modern society; they are poisoned by parents, poisoned by their parents, who in turn were
poisoned by their parents, in a bitter, vicious cycle of turmoil and hate.
The time has come, friends, to cast this gilded ring back into the fire from which it came. Put
out of your mind, if you will, the difficulties we face in bringing down the state, however great
they are. Consider, now, the difficulty we face in moving the minds and hearts of humans
towards this pure, loving condition. Without a doubt, this current generation faces the greatest
difficulty of all in making this change. Those born into a corrupt world will not know what to
make of our attempts. They will resist, they will struggle with the ideas that we present of true
freedom and happiness, but we will stand strong against resistance, we will never abandon our
fellow men and women. When our generation, and that of our parents has passed, so too will our
torch be passed to a new generation of young people fighting for liberty. As time moves, quickly
as it always does, our movement, and it's voices, it's writings, it's calls for change, will not be lost.
With each new year, the world will see more and more a transition into life, a transition into love.
The babies born each new year will be welcomed by, and grow up in, a more and more caring,
nurturing environment. As these babes grow old, they will see more and more the fantastic
efforts being made by others for life, and they too will fight in their own ways to keep our lives
stateless and pure. They will fight, their children will fight, and their children will fight, until our
once-compromised society has become a place of equality, liberty, productivity, and peace.
Smash the state, love life, live love, be free.
Words, not bombs.
posted by John Doherty, Friday November 21, 2008.