Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First post. This is a daunting feeling. As if I have some sort of reputation to uphold, or establish. Like I have somebody to impress--a group of followers that hang on my every thought or idea. Well, I don't. I created this blog to discuss observations I make, people I meet, the stuffs and shits of my life. My biggest worldly tizzy is the humor deficit that plagues humanity. Thus my mantra is to ridicule, criticize, make light of situations that I encounter. Oh, such sport.

No self-respecting writer would plug a title so early in their work. Lucky for me, I don't fancy myself a particularly tactful writer. As the url and title partner to suggest, this blog is suspended in sticky dreams of youth and angst, that likely make broken sense to the adult psyche. I consider myself an adolescent still, capable of only irrational thoughts and impulsive decisions. I have little-to-no direction in life. I am nomadic, restless, reeling and writhing.


1 comment:

  1. Hallo you Spunk, you. I have been using the same title for my blog on Typepad for about three years (it had a different name before late 2006.)Just about to close it down! so nice to see someone else making good use of the name. Oh, such sport. Enjoy your blogging!
